Waste: We close the natural cycle
Waste is a valuable raw material that can be reused and further processed.
In modern sorting systems, household waste is divided into recyclable materials as well as organic and non-organic residues. The organic part is fermented, whereby valuable biogas is obtained. The rest is subsequently composted. The inorganic part can be incinerated directly or processed to refuse-derived fuel (RDF). This RDF is then fed into power plants.
From sorting systems to fermentation and incineration, ATZWANGER takes care of all the steps. And we do this across borders: we have already realised projects in Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia and Japan.
We extract everything valuable or recyclable from household waste - efficiently, meticulously and smartly. With innovative technologies and tailor-made concepts, we strive at minimizing not only capital expenditure, but first and foremost operational costs. Our references and customers confirm that.
Designing, constructing and commissioning medium-sized waste incineration plants is our speciality. They reliably complete the waste cycle while sustainably producing electricity and heat at the same time.
Be it biogenic waste or agricultural waste - our track record with wet, plug-flow and dry fermentation enables us to develop tailor-made plants for our customers. As a general contractor, we usually incorporate methanation of biogas, CO² liquefaction and, on request, CH4 liquefaction in our services as well.
Challenge our technical problem-solving abilities.
ATZWANGER supplies all the processing steps for waste produced in households: from sorting and recycling to fermentation and composting of the organic fraction and the production of substitute fuels or the thermal transformation of the residual waste into electricity and heat.